Send SMS from WooCommerce Store

Send SMS from WooCommerce Store

With Guni, integrating Guni SMS with your Woo Commerce Store – SMS Notifications – order status notification & admin new order notification, booking SMS notifications, booking & appointments, tracking and many more options. Supports popular plugins like WooCommerce, GravityForms, and Ninja Forms. It also includes essential features like two-factor authentication (2FA) and one-time password (OTP) verification, customizable messaging buttons, and much more to enhance your site’s communication and security.

We are partnering with WP-SMS to provide easy-to-use SMS integration with WooCommerce and Guni.

The features of WP SMS Pro include:

– SMS notifications and marketing
– Advanced SMS scheduling and repetition
– Subscriber management and groups
– Support for 2-factor authentication via SMS
– WooCommerce mobile verification and abandoned cart reminders
– Bitly short URL support
– Bulk SMS and flash SMS sending
– Two-way SMS support
– SMS from websites

For a full list of features, you can visit their features page 

1. Create Account with Guni
2. Verify the Business

3. Request SenderID
Download Plugin
Go to WordPress plugin marketplace and download WP-SMS plugin :
Install Plugin
Go to your WordPress plugin section, select the wp-sms zip file and click install.
1. Click Plugin > Upload plugin
2. Chose plugin file
3. Click Install
Activate GuniSMS 

1 . Go SMS

2. Setting

3. SMS Gateway

4. Search : Gunisms – select

5. Add Token . Generate Token >

Click Create App Token

Guide for generating token

6 Enter Sender ID. Go to Guni portal to add your sender IDs

Select Sender:

    1. #SharedNum#: Our system will assign numbers from a random number pool.  
    2. Dedicated number:  You need to buy a virtual number from us. This is a unique number used by your account. Your customers will get messages from the same number.
    3. Business Name:  You can use a dynamic name such as “Guni”. The Guni team must approve a business name.
    4. Personal Number: Number that you have registered with Guni account.

7. Tick Admin Menu Display  & SMS Page Display

8. Tick Number formatting

9  Click Save Changes


Test First SMS

Plugins for WooCommerce

 WooComerce Plugin

    • Customer Communication via SMS: Enhance customer satisfaction by using SMS to communicate flexibly and personally with your audience.
    • Abandoned Cart SMS: Send reminders to customers who left items in their carts, increasing sales by encouraging them to complete purchases.
    • Manageable SMS Notifications: Easily configure SMS alerts for orders, products, and customer updates, compatible with Dokan multi-vendor and third-party plugins.
    • Local Shipping SMS Notification: Provide timely SMS updates for local shipments to keep customers informed.
    • Mobile Verification in WooCommerce Checkout: Add an extra layer of security with mobile number verification during the checkout process, reducing the risk of fraud.
    • Login, Register & Reset Password via SMS in WooCommerce: Simplify customer authentication with mobile phone-based login, registration, and password reset via SMS verification.