SMS Campaign with Active Campaign

SMS Campaign with Active Campaign

With the Guni app, you can now send automated SMS and conversations SMS and MMS from GHL 

  • – Conversation
  • – Workflows
  • – SMS & MMS
  • – Two Way – SMS
  • – Agency & Sub-account

This article will guide you through the steps on how to connect your GHL account and send an SMS.

1. Go to Audience

Click Group > Add group

Synch Active Campaign contacts

Enter Active Campaign credentials >

Account Name : Example guni1714761966

Url –;



Login to Active campaign

Settings > Developer > Copy API Key

Enter Account Name & API KEY

Import by filter
  • Status
  • Tags
  • List

Select as per your requirement from – Status, Tags and List


Map the merge label


Now Group is ready to run campaign

Follow instructions from here how to Run SMS campaign